COVID-19 Disease Ecology Global Health

As Covid-19 Crisis Continues, UNEP and Global Partners Release 10-Point Plan to Prevent the Next Pandemic

“The science is clear that if we keep exploiting wildlife and destroying our ecosystems, then we can expect to see a steady stream of these diseases jumping from animals to humans in the years ahead.” By Jessica Corbett, Common Dreams “Climate change is a force of growing importance that influences the future geographic distribution and […]

Disease Ecology Global Health

Why do bats get blamed for spillovers so often?

By Efstathia Robakis As the COVID-19* pandemic continues to unfold, scientists are scrambling to answer old questions as new ones continue to arise. Though it doesn’t seem pressing now, given the urgency of so many other real and immediate issues related to the virus’ stranglehold on the world, the question of the virus’ origins is […]

Deforestation Ecology Global Health

Destruction of habitat and loss of biodiversity are creating the perfect conditions for diseases like COVID-19 to emerge

As habitat and biodiversity loss increase globally, the novel coronavirus outbreak may be just the beginning of mass pandemics Author: John Vidal Top photo: Illicit Endangered Wildlife Trade in Möng La, Shan, Myanmar, courtesy of Dan Bennett from Wikimedia (CC BY 2.0). This article originally appeared at and is reproduced here under Creative Commons […]

Climate Change Health Human-Wildlife Conflict

Rwandan people and mountain gorillas face changing climate together

All Text and Images: Elham Shabahat This article originally appeared on, 27, June 2018 (Republished under under Creative Commons CC BY-ND 4.0).   The Critically Endangered mountain gorilla (Gorilla beringei beringei), has been brought back from extinction’s brink in Rwanda, with numbers in the Virunga Mountains around Volcanoes National Park estimated at 604 individuals in 2016, up […]